Based on the Dreamworks movie, starring Hugh Jackman, Real Steel is an underworld fighting game set in the near-future, where 2,000 pound robots fight in a no-holds barred battles to the death.
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You can also skill the fights with the other Robots in the movie such as – Atom ‘The People’s Champion’; Zeus ‘King of the Robots’; Twin Cities ‘Two Headed Tower of Power; Ambush ‘The Comic Book Crusher’, Noisy Boy ‘The Manga Mangler’; Midas ‘The Gold-Blooded Killer’; Metro ‘Frankenstein’s Monster of the Ring’.
You can also skill the fights with the other Robots in the movie such as – Atom ‘The People’s Champion’; Zeus ‘King of the Robots’; Twin Cities ‘Two Headed Tower of Power; Ambush ‘The Comic Book Crusher’, Noisy Boy ‘The Manga Mangler’; Midas ‘The Gold-Blooded Killer’; Metro ‘Frankenstein’s Monster of the Ring’.
it is a good apps